There had already been some significant discussion during the proposal phase about the types of questions that should be allowed on Mathematics Educators.
I just typed in a question which I had already asked during the proposal phase, not so much as a theoretical question that might be asked but mainly because I am currently still working on how best to answer it myself and actually do want to discuss it and consider other people's ideas on the associated problem.
Anyway, I was warned that it appeared subjective and that it would probably end up being closed. Are we really going to have to put up with that kind of feedback every time we ask a question here when the large part of the theory of Education is subjective?
I think we need to carry that discussion over and continue it here.
Let me emphasise that my situation was just one example that I can imagine will occur often on this particular site. I disagree with the answer below that we should limit the possibilities of this site to questions that can have clear cut answers or be afraid of being shut down because it's too opinion based. Education is largely opinion based.
If this site was shut down because it didn't fit the Stack Exchange mould I would have to start questioning what was the good of the Stack Exchange mould in the first place. I believe that this site should largely be moderated by experts in Mathematics Education. Leaders in Mathematics Education are by definition taking the lead in Mathematics Education.
During the proposal phase there was discussion about honesty in voting. Well, during the beta phase there should be honesty about what we believe our profession is about and ask questions and provide answers accordingly. If on this web site we have to avoid much of what we're about due to the opinions of the people who program the sites, then the tail is wagging the dog and I won't want to be a part of it.
Caveat: This is a semi apology to those offended by my forthrightness. Semi because I care, but I won't be changing my wording. I'm passionate about my views and won't be beating around the bush. A world that is purely rational and has no room for emotions has no room for me. And, ironically, the biggest criticism I face in my everyday non virtual world is that I'm too rational.