I am not a teacher but a parent of children who learn math at school (13 and 15 yo in France). I also have a PhD in physics, so I am particularly interested myself by what they learn.
Some of their exercices are a bit surprising to me, usually because of the assumptions made in the exercise. I am therefore curious about whether
- the exercise is a bad one
- or that this specific simplification make sense for something further on.
My question for Meta is: are such questions in or out of scope for Math Educators?
Specifically I would like to bring to the table a concrete exercise and the way it is expected to be solved. In addition to that I would like to mention why some assumptions are at least questionable from my limited understanding of math (generally, and particularly in the teaching continuum across grades).
The answer I would hope to get is either "this is correct, you do not understand", or "this simplification is done on purpose because ..." (or "yes, this exercise is bad - move along").
I completely understand the need to simplify things, my whole physics education was based on "you were told that [something], well as you will see this is not true. But it helped you to understand [something else]". This is fantastic.
In the case of these math exercices I am missing the "it helped you to understand [something else]" part.