First, I would not like to criticize anyone here, I am just curious how the community feels about it. This is also related to: Accepting answered questions difficult.
It happens (at the time of writing, for example here and here; there are others, but I didn't want to drag anyone else into this) that the accepted answers are not the most upvoted answers. StackExchange has even a badge about it, and it's fine at sites like math.SE where there is some objective content (i.e. any correct answer would do).
However, ME.SE is much more opinion-based and anecdotal-evidence-based, therefore the votes might carry an additional meaning. For example, I don't have enough teaching experience to claim my methods/opinions any good compared to some other users of ME.SE, and the answer being accepted might give a false impression.
There are also secondary considerations, like: if the votes come from (experienced) math educators or is it from general audience; the votes are highly biased, e.g. because of the timing, that is, early answers get more votes. However, I wouldn't like to derail the discussion.
What do you think, is it good to accept a non-most-upvoted answer?