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7 votes

How was the chart in this comment made?

tl;dr– That bar-graph was modified from another bar-graph I'd posted before. It uses some standard helper-functions, but is otherwise pretty much by-hand. The code used is fairly straightforward, ...
Nat's user avatar
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4 votes

What are the guidelines to consider regarding whether or not users here should refer a question, or its asker, to

The subject" "how to deal with interfacing with other sites" is common in the SE network, especially, in the context of migration. For migration the general rule is that only reasonably good ...
quid's user avatar
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What are the guidelines to consider regarding whether or not users here should refer a question, or its asker, to

The reject reason for "off topic" here, but may be good on Math reads as follows: This question is off-topic because it is a mathematical question as contrasted with a question about mathematics ...
JTP - Apologise to Monica's user avatar

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