There is currently a dispute on Math Stack Exchange regarding an advertisement for the site, and I'd like to solicit input from other members of the community.
I have posted the following advertisement for this site on Math Stack Exchange Meta:
The new site is now up and running! This site is for questions about course-design, exam-writing, teaching methods, intuition and examples, etc.
Check out our top questions list:
Please consider contributing! This site is still in its infancy, and would benefit greatly from your help.
(This is a copy of Brian Rushton's similar post on Math Overflow Meta.)
Another user has objected to the given description of the site as follows:
Please consider editing the "this site is about...." to avoid representing the site as something totally different from the purpose advertised on meta.MSE (and other places): a site for mathematics learning and education. The hopefully temporary site title and subtitle ("elevator pitch" as SE calls it) already hijacked that, and drawing in new users based on further and further departures from the stated intent would worsen that. Note that your first three examples out of 4 of what the site is about, appear to presuppose an institutional/administrative context for learning and teaching.
This led to a discussion in the comments that clarified, but did not resolve, the issue. So my question is:
Do you think that the description of the site given in the advertisement should be changed?