I flagged the comment here: https://matheducators.stackexchange.com/a/13708/11 as needing moderator attention.
In case it is removed later, the context is that the question wants to know a better, more inclusive context for problems with pairs of objects instead of "men and women." The answer is to consider using "pets and owners." The comment is
And now you're excluding trans-species.
The comment links to an article. The article is discussing a group of people: "Adult men slip into leather dog suits and pretend to be puppies" and explicitly says that the reason to talk about this is "Remember when we said normalizing gay marriage was a slippery slope? I rescind that statement. It opened up the floodgates for all things gag-worthy." Please avoid discussing the topic of that article in this thread.
This specific kind of "edgy joke" is very dangerous, because it is dangerous to allow and dangerous to disallow. It is important to think about how, as a community, we will handle this kind of thing. The reason this is dangerous ground is:
- It is dangerous to allow this kind of joke, because the joke and linked article explicitly attack the attempts of the original questioner to be inclusive. The thesis in the article is that the more inclusive you are, the more you are opening the door to the perversion of society. Even if the article is not linked, this kind of joke is a dog-whistle for supporters of this kind of thinking, and when you allow comments like this to remain highly upvoted, they give the impression that there is a silent majority who oppose the premise of the question.
- It is dangerous to remove this kind of joke, because often the original poster of the joke has no ill intent, and does not understand that they are being uninclusive by posting it -- they are trying to be funny. Excluding their joke further radicalizes the person who posts it and emboldens other edgy trolls in the future, who will see a fun challenge in trying to find the exact line of inappropriateness that will be allowed.
I'm wondering what you think we should do in the future as this issue further infects the internet, and also if anyone has any good articles for me to read on the subject of moderating this specific kind of issue.